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2020-5-14 11:48:41



2020-5-11 22:12:34

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  1. ronnie2022

    求书: 1. Other Rivers: A Chinese Education by Peter Hessler 何伟最新力作《他乡之河:论中国教育》 2. Leadership from Bad to Worse: What Happens When Bad Festers by Barbara Kellerman 《领导力从坏到更坏:当坏事恶化时会发生什么》 作者:Barbara Kellerman 3. Shock Values: Prices and Inflation in American Democracy by Carola Binder 《冲击价值观:美国民主中的价格和通货膨胀》 作者:卡罗拉·宾德 4. The Sandinista Revolution: A Global Latin American History (New Cold War History) by Mateo Jarquín (Author) 《桑地诺革命:拉丁美洲全球史》(新冷战史)作者:马特奥·贾昆 (作者)

  2. ronnie2022

    求书: 1. Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysmbby Jamie Stern-Weiner (Editor), Avi Shlaim (Introduction) 《洪水:加沙和以色列从危机到大灾变》 2. Keir Starmer: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING BIOGRAPHY OF THE LABOUR LEADER, THE NEW POLITICAL MUST READ FOR THE 2024 GENERAL ELECTION by Tom Baldwin 《英国工党领袖凯尔·斯塔默传》 3. Bite by Bite: American History through Feasts, Foods, and Side Dishes by Marc Aronson (Author), Paul Freedman (Author), Frederick Douglass Opie (Author), Amanda Palacios (Author) 4. The Ten-Day MBA 5th Ed.: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Skills Taught in America’s Top Business Schools by Steven A. Silbiger 《10天学会MBA :掌握美国顶级商学院所教授技能的分步指南》第 5 版 作者:Steven A. Silbiger 5. The Shortest History of Migration (Shortest Histories Book 14) by Ian Goldin 《移民最短史》(最短历史第 14 卷)作者:伊恩·戈尔丁 6. Brain Rush: How to Invest and Compete in the Real World of Generative AI by Peter Cohan 《脑力激荡:如何在生成式人工智能的现实世界中投资和竞争》作者:Peter Cohan 7. Missionary Diplomacy: Religion and Nineteenth-Century American Foreign Relations by Emily Conroy-Krutz 《传教士外交:宗教与十九世纪美国外交关系 》作者:Emily Conroy-Krutz 8. The History of Ideas: Equality, Justice and Revolution by David Runciman 《思想史:平等、正义与革命》 大卫·朗西曼 9. Quantum Leaps: How Maths Drives Scientific Progress by Hugh Barker 《量子飞跃:数学如何推动科学进步 》作者:休·巴克 10. Helgoland: Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution 《黑尔戈兰:量子物理如何改变世界》 作者:卡洛·罗韦利(Carlo Rovelli)

  3. ronnie2022

    求书: 1. Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk by Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak (Author), Paul Swartz (Author) 《冲击、危机和虚惊一场:如何评估真正的宏观经济风险》作者:Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak (作者)、Paul Swartz (作者) 2. Nine Minds: Inner Lives on the Spectrum – FROM THE ACCLAIMED AUTHOR OF BORN ON A BLUE DAY 《九种思维:内心世界》著名作家《生于忧郁的一天》的著作 3. The Afterlife of Data: What Happens to Your Information When You Die and Why You Should Care by Carl Öhman 《数据的来世:你死后你的信息会发生什么,你为什么要关心这些信息》作者:Carl Öhman 4. Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk by Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak (Author), Paul Swartz (Author) 《冲击、危机和虚惊一场:如何评估真正的宏观经济风险》作者:Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak (作者)、Paul Swartz (作者) 5. The Half of It: Exploring the Mixed-Race Experience by Emma Slade Edmondson (Author), Nicole Ocran (Author) 《半数:探索混血经历》作者:艾玛·斯莱德·埃德蒙森 (作者)、妮可·奥克兰 (作者) 6. The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution by David P. Mindell 《生命网络:进化的新视角》 作者:David P. Mindell 7. Uncivilised: Ten Lies That Made the West by Subhadra Das 《不文明:成就西方的十个谎言》作者:苏巴德拉·达斯 8. China’s Asymmetric Statecraft: Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy (Contemporary Chinese Studies) by Yuxing Huang 《中国不对称治国方略:结盟、竞争对手和区域外交(当代中国研究)》作者:黄宇兴

  4. ronnie2022

    求书: 1. Gaslight: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Fight for America’s Energy Future by Jonathan Mingle 《煤气灯:大西洋海岸输油管道和美国能源未来的斗争》,作者:乔纳森·明格尔 2. Alexander at the End of the World: The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great by Rachel Kousser 《世界尽头的亚历山大:被遗忘的亚历山大大帝最后几年》作者:Rachel Kousser 3. Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI by Anil Ananthaswamy (Author) 《为什么机器会学习:现代人工智能背后的优雅数学》 作者:Anil Ananthaswamy (作者) 4. JFK Jr.: An Intimate Oral Biography by RoseMarie Terenzio (Author), Liz McNeil (Author) 《JFK Jr.:一本私密口述传记》,作者:RoseMarie Terenzio (作者)、Liz McNeil (作者) 5. Democratic Deals: A Defense of Political Bargaining by Melissa Schwartzberg (Author), Jack Knight (Author) 《民主交易:为政治谈判辩护》作者:梅丽莎·施瓦茨伯格 (作者)、杰克·奈特 (作者) 6. How to Think Like an Economist: Great Economists Who Shaped the World and What They Can Teach Us by Robbie Mochrie 《如何像经济学家一样思考:塑造世界的伟大经济学家以及他们能教给我们什么》 作者:罗比·莫奇里 7. Christian Atheism: How to Be a Real Materialist by Slavoj Žižek 《基督教无神论:如何成为一个真正的唯物主义者》 作者:斯拉沃热·齐泽克著 8. Create Once, Distribute Forever: How Great Creators Spread Their Ideas and How You Can Too by Ross Simmonds 《一次创作,永久传播:伟大的创造者如何传播他们的想法以及你如何做到》 作者:罗斯·西蒙斯著

  5. ronnie2022

    求书: 1. The Racket: A Rogue Reporter vs The American Empire by Matt Kennard 《诈骗:流氓记者对抗美国帝国》 作者:马特·肯纳德 2. The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley by Marietje Schaake 《科技政变:如何拯救硅谷的民主》作者:Marietje Schaake 3. Data Quality in the Age of AI: Building a foundation for AI strategy and data culture 《人工智能时代的数据质量:为人工智能战略和数据文化奠定基础》 4. The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies by Auron MacIntyre 《极权国家:自由民主如何沦为暴政》,作者:奥伦·麦金太尔 5. The Untold Story of Books: A Writer’s History of Publishing by Michael Castleman 《书籍不为人知的故事:一位作家的出版史》作者:迈克尔·卡斯特曼 6. The Stoic Path to Wealth: Ancient Wisdom for Enduring Prosperity by Darius Foroux #1 New Release in Analysis & Trading Investing Strategies 《斯多葛致富之路:持久繁荣的古老智慧》,作者:Darius Foroux 7. The Long Game: How the Chinese Negotiate with India by Vijay Gokhale 《长期博弈:中国如何与印度谈判》作者:维杰·戈哈勒

  6. Shanghai1943

    Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors with Applications to Transistor Electronics Author: Shockley, William

  7. 爱读书勤思考

    The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham (Hardcover) by Esther Hicks 想了解吸引力法则,谢谢站长!

  8. danieljijun

    1. The Richest Man in Babylon 作者: George S. Clason 2. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 作者: Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows 3. Starter Villain 作者: John Scalzi 感谢站长!

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