The Nolan Variations-TomShone[pdf]下载
电子书下载格式:pdf 作者:TomShone 出版时间:2020-10-20 书籍简介:TOM SHONE was the film critic of the Sunday Times from 1994 until he moved to New York in 1999. He is the author of five books, including Tarantino: A Retr…- 22
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豆瓣评分:7.6 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:R.F.Kuang 出版时间:2023-5-16 书籍简介:Rebecca F. Kuang is a Marshall Scholar, Chinese-English translator, and the Astounding Award-winning and the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, an…- 317
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I'm Glad My Mom Died-JennetteMcCurdy[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.1 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:JennetteMcCurdy 出版时间:2022-8-9 书籍简介:Jennette McCurdy starred in Nickelodeon’s hit show iCarly and its spin-off, Sam & Cat, as well as in the Netflix series Bet…- 44
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Elon Musk-WalterIsaacson[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:WalterIsaacson 出版时间:2023-9-12 书籍简介:沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson) 著名传记作家,毕业于哈佛大学,杜兰大学历史系教授,历任美国阿斯彭研究所首席执行官,曾任美国《时代》杂志总编和美国有线电视新闻网董事长。 畅销书《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》《列奥那多·达·芬奇传》《解码者》《富兰克林传》《 爱因斯…- 806
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Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama-BobOdenkirk[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:BobOdenkirk 出版时间:2022-3-1 书籍简介:Bob Odenkirk is an actor, comedian, writer, director, and producer. Odenkirk got his start in improv comedy in the motley Chicago comedy sce…- 59
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The Man Who Died Twice-RichardOsman[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.8 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:RichardOsman 出版时间:2021-9-16 书籍简介:作者简介 【英】理查德・奥斯曼(Richard Osman),前英国广播电视公司(BBC)主持人,现为企鹅兰登集团全球重点作者,代表作“周四推理俱乐部”系列小说全球销量已突破600万册,凭该系列获得英国图书奖(British Book Awards)2021…- 160
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Principles of Economics-N.GregoryMankiw 9th[pdf]下载
电子书下载格式:pdf 作者:N.GregoryMankiw 出版时间:2020-1 作者简介:N. Gregory Mankiw is Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. For 14 years he taught EC10 Principles, the most popular course at Ha…- 108
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