On Call-AnthonyFauci[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:AnthonyFauci 出版时间:2024-6-18 书籍简介:Dr. Anthony Fauci served as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health fro…- 26
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Hillbilly Elegy-J.D.Vance[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:7.9 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:J.D.Vance 出版时间:2016-6-28 书籍简介:J.D. Vance grew up in the Rust Belt city of Middletown, Ohio, and the Appalachian town of Jackson, Kentucky. He enlisted in the Mari…- 763
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The City and Man-LeoStrauss[pdf]下载
豆瓣评分:9.5 电子书下载格式:pdf 作者:LeoStrauss 出版时间:1978-11-15 书籍简介:Leo Strauss (1899--1973) was born and educated in Germany, receiving his doctorate from Hamburg University in 1921. He came to the United States…- 99
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The Hamilton Scheme-WilliamHogeland[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:WilliamHogeland 出版时间:2024-5-28 书籍简介:How Alexander Hamilton embraced American oligarchy to jumpstart American prosperity. “Forgotten founder” no more, Alexander Hamilton ha…- 53
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电子书下载格式:pdf 作者:BryanK.Miller 出版时间:2024-1-24 书籍简介:Bryan K. Miller is Assistant Professor of Central Asian Art & Archaeology in History of Art and Assistant Curator of Chinese Archaeology at the Mus…- 57
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Winter of the World-KenFollett[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:KenFollett 出版时间:2012-9-18 书籍简介:肯•福莱特(Ken Follett,1949-) 现象级畅销小说大师,爱伦坡终身大师奖得主。 20部小说被译成33国语言,累计总销量超1.5亿册。 在欧美出版界,肯•福莱特这个名字就是畅销的保证。 1978年,出版了处女作《风暴岛》,并于次年获得爱伦坡奖,声名鹊…- 108
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Living History-HillaryRodhamClinton[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:7.6 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:HillaryRodhamClinton 出版时间:2003-06 书籍简介:希拉里:美国总统克林顿夫人,最有可能成为美国第一位女总统的候选人,本书被认为是她为竞选下一届美国总统的自我宣传之作,从希拉里的中学时代写起,以白宫八年生活为中心,广泛涉及克林顿执政期间美国的对内对外政策、诸多重大国际国内政治事件的背景、她与克林顿…- 85
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What Happened-HillaryRodhamClinton[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:6.5 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:HillaryRodhamClinton 出版时间:2017-9-12 书籍简介:Hillary Rodham Clinton became the first woman in US history to become the presidential nominee of a major political party…- 47
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Intellectuals and Society-ThomasSowell[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.8 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:ThomasSowell 出版时间:2010-1-5 书籍简介:托马斯·索维尔(Thomas Sowell),美国当代杰出的经济学家、最具影响力的社会评论家。先后在康奈尔大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、哥伦比亚大学以及斯坦福大学讲授经济学课程,现为斯坦福大学胡佛研究所公共政策高级研究员。 托马斯·索维尔在经济学和广泛的人文社科领…- 96
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Wealth, Poverty and Politics-ThomasSowell[mobi]下载
豆瓣评分:7.1 电子书下载格式:mobi 作者:ThomasSowell 出版时间:2015-9-8 作者简介:托马斯·索维尔(Thomas Sowell),美国当代杰出的自由主义经济学大师,芝加哥经济学派代表人物之一。现为斯坦福大学胡佛研究所高级研究员,曾在康奈尔大学、加州大学等讲授经济学,还在政府部门担任经济学顾问,获得过包括总统人文成就奖、全国人文学科奖、布莱德雷基金奖在内的众多荣誉。 他…- 50
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Discrimination and Disparities-ThomasSowell[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:9.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:ThomasSowell 出版时间:2018-3-29 书籍简介:Thomas Sowell is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is the author of dozens of books and the reci…- 51
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Capitalist Realism-MarkFisher[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.2 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:MarkFisher 出版时间:2009-12-16 书籍简介:Mark Fisher is highly respected both as a music writer and a theorist. He writes regularly for The Wire, frieze, New Statesman, an…- 29
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A World in Disarray-RichardHaass[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:RichardHaass 出版时间:2017-1-10 下载地址:- 36
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The Grand Chessboard-ZbigniewBrzezinski[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.7 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:ZbigniewBrzezinski 出版时间:1998-8-28 书籍简介:Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017) was National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter, a counselor and trustee at the Cen…- 80
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The End of the World Is Just the Beginning-PeterZeihan[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:PeterZeihan 出版时间:2022-6-23 下载地址:- 60
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Cambodia's Curse-JoelBrinkley[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:JoelBrinkley 出版时间:2012-9-4 书籍简介:喬‧布林克里(Joel Brinkley) 生於華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,畢業於北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)。現任美國史丹佛大學新聞學教授,2006年轉為教職前,在《紐約時報》工作…- 75
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豆瓣评分:8.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:JaredDiamond 出版时间:2019-5-7 书籍简介:In his earlier bestsellers Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse, Jared Diamond transformed our understanding of what makes civilizat…- 102
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Prisoners of Geography-TimMarshall[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:7.9 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:TimMarshall 出版时间:2015-7-9 书籍简介:In the bestselling tradition of Why Nations Fail and The Revenge of Geography, an award-winning journalist uses ten maps of crucial…- 132
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电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:HenryKissinger 出版时间:2022-5-3 书籍简介:Henry Kissinger, monumental diplomat and statesman, examines the strategies of five great twentieth century figures and brings to a life …- 110
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Adults in the Room-YanisVaroufakis[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.6 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:YanisVaroufakis 出版时间:2017-5-4 书籍简介:"Varoufakis has written one of the greatest political memoirs of all time [and] one of the most accurate and detailed desc…- 81
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg-JaneSherrondeHart[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:9.5 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:JaneSherrondeHart 出版时间:2018-10-16 书籍简介:The first full life--private, public, legal, philosophical--of the 107th Supreme Court Justice, one of the most profound an…- 136
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Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution-BernieSanders[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:BernieSanders 出版时间:2017-8-29 下载地址:- 36
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Narrative Economics-RobertJ.Shiller[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.2 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:RobertJ.Shiller 出版时间:2019-10-1 书籍简介:From Nobel Prizeâ€"winning economist and New York Times bestselling author Robert Shiller, a new way to think about how p…- 58
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The Nine-JeffreyToobin[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:9.0 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:JeffreyToobin 出版时间:2007-9-18 书籍简介: Bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin takes you into the chambers of the most important—and secret—legal body in our country, the S…- 85
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