雪莉·杰克逊Shirley Jackson作品合集电子书下载
雪莉·杰克逊(1916-1965),美国哥特惊悚小说家。在其所处的年代,她被认为是一个流行文学作家。近年来,她受到批评界越来越多的关注,作品被归入美国经典文学之列。她影响了尼尔·盖曼、斯蒂芬·金等后辈作家。作品《邪屋》(The Haunting of Hill House)是兰登书屋“现代文库”读者票选20世纪百大英文长篇小说之一。她还创作了童书多部。雪莉·杰克逊文字清新优美,美国中学课本中,至今仍有她的文章。
We Have Always Lived in the Castle-Jackson,Shirley[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:Jackson,Shirley 出版时间:1984-6 书籍简介:Alone since four members of the family died of arsenic poisoning, Merricat, Constance and Julian Blackwood spend their days in happy isola…...- 站长Underwood
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The Lottery-ShirleyJackson[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:8.4 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:ShirleyJackson 出版时间:2005-03-16 书籍简介:The Lottery, one of the most terrifying stories written in this century, created a sensation when it was first published in Th…...- 站长Underwood
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The Haunting of Hill House-ShirleyJackson[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
豆瓣评分:7.6 电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:ShirleyJackson 出版时间:2006-11-28 书籍简介:The classic supernatural thriller by an author who helped define the genre First published in 1959, Shirley Jacksonas "Th…...- 站长Underwood
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Just an Ordinary Day-Jackson,Shirley[mobi+epub+pdf+txt]下载
电子书下载格式:mobi+epub+pdf+txt 作者:Jackson,Shirley 出版时间:1997-12 书籍简介:The stories in this edition represent the great diversity of her work, from humor to her shocking explorations of the human psyche. The t…...- 站长Underwood
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